Get to know- Smartfolios


The way people choose to invest vary. Some like to pick and choose stocks, and it becomes a satisfying experience for them to analyze a company and then invest. But it is time consuming and involves a lot of hard working studying about companies’ performance. Some prefer the Mutual fund route, where the experts do the fund selection and all investors have to do is select a fund based on your goals. Then there are investors who find Smartfolios the perfect blend. The investor is personally involved in buying and selling shares in a portfolio with expert guidance.

So what is Smartfolios? It is different baskets of stocks curated by our experts and you can select the one based on your risk appetite. We also offer you an option to create a folio on your own. The assessment of stocks in these portfolios are based on parameters like quality, financial trend, valuation, technical, moving averages and liquidity.

What is the benefit of investing in a basket of stocks via Smartfolios?

  • Smartfolios are baskets of stocks that are selected, created, and given proper weightage to suit a particular risk appetite or to reflect a strategy/theme.
  • There is active and AI-based management of the stocks and advice for automated rebalancing, whenever required.
  • No expense ratio, no entry/exit load, no other hidden costs, just the brokerage, and its associated charges.
  • Various options to choose from (currently 9), depending on the risk profile or the investment strategy or investible amount of the investor.
  • Investors can add money to the existing investments and also withdraw it at any time, no lock-in period.
  • Exclusive Equity SIP portfolios to suit the different categories of investors.
  • Automated order placement through Model portfolios.

Why do we recommend an automated basket of stocks instead of an individual company?

As a mature investor, one should always look at the portfolio returns than stock returns. There could be few companies that may do well, and some may not do well. As an investor, what matters is whether your overall portfolio is making money for you or not. Portfolios of stocks are less risky than single stock investments as it diversifies the risk.

Which basket of stocks should I choose?

You should ideally select a basket of stocks that suits your risk profile or investment strategy. 

What is the minimum amount required to invest via Smartfolios?

Minimum amount of investment depends upon the respective basket of stocks. Users can create their own baskets of stocks in case they want a custom amount. However minimum investment amount may vary depending on market value of the individual stocks.

What if I do not accept the advice?

Investors can choose to accept or ignore the advice generated. However, we recommend that you follow the analysts’ strategy in totality since it works best when you follow the recommendations in a disciplined manner.

Can I accept the order partially?

You need to accept the advice in totality. Partial acceptance of the advice is not allowed. Allowing this will have issues in portfolio weightage and allocations

Who can experience the Geojit Smartfolios Platform?

All investors who have a trading and demat account with Geojit can experience this platform.

Is there any way by which I can track my investment performance?

Investments details and returns can be tracked under the section My Folios.

Can I invest in the recommended basket of stocks in SIP mode?

Yes. Some of the baskets have an SIP option.

Can I create my own basket of stocks and invest?

Yes. There is a DIY (Do It Yourself) option in Smartfolios.

Are there any other charges while using Smartfolios platform?

Only brokerage and statutory charges will be applicable on executed orders.

Is this a Portfolio Management Service (PMS) product?

No, this is not a PMS product. An alert or recommendation will be generated by the Research Analysts. The investor has to give approval for the execution of the trades. For Geojit folios, the invest option generates instant order and no further mail confirmation option is required.

Which exchange is selected to execute Smartfolios orders?

National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) are selected to place orders via Smartfolios. In custom baskets of stocks, users can select the exchange for the execution of respective stocks.

If you wish to know more about Smartfolios or invest in one, you may contact:


  1. Assuming that I have selected mojo basket and deposited the requisite amount of 2 lacs,
    when will be the orders executed?
    Do I have the option of deciding on the date of execution?
    Will all the orders executed at market rate simultaneously?

    Also would be grateful if you can inform what is the return as of today for mojo basket invested on 1st June 2020?

    • 1) If you register for the respective Mojo basket during market hours, the initial recommendation mailer will be sent on the same day itself, or at the most by the next trading day. The client has the option of when to accept the advice. The orders will be executed only when the client confirms and accepts the recommendation.

      2) The client does not have the option of choosing the date of execution. However, the client can decide whether to accept the recommendation or not. The recommendations have a validity of one day only. The recommendation mailers will come every day in the morning. If you choose not to accept the recommendation on a particular day, the recommendations will be sent again the next day. For registered Smartfolios investors, the recommendations are updated and will be communicated to you each day, until you choose to accept it.

      Investors can choose to accept or ignore the advice generated. However, we recommend that you follow the Analyst’s strategy in totality since it works best when you follow it in a disciplined manner.

      3) Orders are sent to the exchange at “Market Price” and will be executed on a best-effort basis.

      4) Strategy — 1 Month Returns — 3 Months — Returns
      Mojo Prime— Conservative — 9.0% — 15.0%
      Mojo Magic— Moderate — 7.3% — 15.1%
      Returns as on July 2020


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